Will smart robots take jobs away?

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¨Love your job? Enjoy it while it lasts. There’s a 50% chance you’re going to be sacked and replaced by a robot.”

As stated by the Bank of England, there is a high possibility that machines, also known as robots, can take over 95 million jobs between American and British people over the next 10 to 20 years.

Andy Haldane, bank’s chief economist, affirms how sophisticated computers can become a big threat to humans, as their jobs are being put in risk of automation because these machines are totally qualified to substitute for human brains and hands too.

Even though this is not the first time this has happened, as it has already occurred during the Industrial Revolution, Haldane made a clear statement that this time it could probably be different, given that mid-skilled jobs are the ones being taken over, leaving low and high skilled jobs for humans.

Will robots eventually take control of work forces?  Is it in the near future?

For more information, read this article.

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